It can be overwhelming to know exactly how to help a child in foster care.
Through the CrossRoads Entrusted Foster Care and Adoption Ministry, we hope to raise awareness and build a community of people supporting foster care, adoption, and kinship - in our church and our city.
Through the CrossRoads Entrusted Foster Care and Adoption Ministry, we hope to raise awareness and build a community of people supporting foster care, adoption, and kinship - in our church and our city.
You may be wondering what you can do.
Here are some practical ways to help and serve children and families in need.

Foster Parent, Adoption, and Kinship Survey
If you have ever adopted, fostered, or are actively considering it, we want to hear from you. Please complete the Foster Parent, Adoption, Kinship Survey.

The Mercy Closet
The CrossRoads Mercy Closet supports vulnerable children and families in our community. The closet provides clothing for children from birth to 18 years old. If you want to shop the closet, click here.

The Mercy Freezer
CrossRoads loves to support our foster and adoptive families by providing occasional meals. If you've already filled out the survey and want a dinner break this week - we've got you covered! Email Hannah for details on how to get your meal. If you haven't filled out the Foster Parent, Adoption, Kinship Survey yet, you can do so here.
Serve in the Foster/Adoption Ministry
Yes, I' m interested in Serving on the Foster/Adoption Team.
If you are interested in supporting foster and adoptive families by donating to the Mercy Closet or Mercy Freezer, send a message using the button below. You will notified of needs as they arise.
Foster care is the next missional frontier for the American Church to bring hope and healing to children and families.
~ Krista Petty of America's Kids Belong
Here’s how we define foster families, adoptive families, and kinship families here at CrossRoads
- Foster families are those who are licensed to care for kids in the foster care system who have been removed from their biological family for a period of time. These families primarily work with the agency and the biological family to see the family reunited, but occasionally have the option to adopt a child if reunification efforts are not possible.
- Adoptive families are those who have completed the process of permanently adding a child to their home and family- through foster care, infant adoption, or international adoption.
- Kinship families are those who care for children that are biologically related to them, but who are not their own children. This also applies to close friends, neighbors, teachers, etc. who step in to care for a child full time who is not biologically theirs. Sometimes these families are also licensed foster families and sometimes they are not.