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B.L.E.S.S. Resources

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Biological needs are physical in nature and include health concerns, access to healthcare, medication issues, and impaired functioning.
Livelihood needs include the basic essentials such as food, water, and shelter. This category also includes financial struggles, unemployment, and living situation problems.
Emotional needs relate to mental health and includes our thoughts, feelings, and actions.  This includes experiencing difficult feelings and thoughts, high stress levels, and the inability to cope.
Social needs involve our connection with other people and our sense of belonging. This includes feeling disconnected or isolated and relationship issues.
Spiritual needs relate to our desire to connect with God and find meaning in life. Individuals may be questioning their faith and beliefs, considering leaving their faith community, or looking for a community where they can  connect and find a meaningful relationship with God.

If you have a resource that you think would be helpful to be listed, suggest it using the link below.